@ crescendo.net


Project Summary:

irclogger.pl is a simple IRC bot in perl. It was written for usage on a private, internal server. It was designed to join multiple channels on a server, log all public actions, and handle a few direct commands. It's a great starting skeleton to build a more full featured bot, so I figured I should release it.

This is basically a standalone script. The documentation is in the header of it and is reproduced below. The script has a config header for you to manipulate settings.

Current Release:

file: irclogger.pl.gz

© 2008-2010 Phil Pollard and FusionOne, Inc. This code is released for usage under the GNU Public license.


# This bot is a very simple IRC bot that is designed to log onto multiple 
# channels on an IRC server and log all public actions onto those channels to
# individual log files for each channel.
# The bot rotates logfiles automatically on a daily basis with the date and 
# channel name being embedded in the file name. On the assumption that the
# files are available to be viewed via the web, the bot announces to all 
# arrivals the current URL for the log being used for that channel.
# The bot also handles a few rudimentary commands:
# By a user saying or messaging "bot restart" or "bot reload" the script will 
# attempt to exit and restart itself. This is handy if you are actively editing
# the bots code with a remote editor and wish to relaunch the bot from within
# IRC.
# By a user saying or messaging "clock?" or "time?" the bot responds with the
# current time (including corrections for daylight savings) for the timezones 
# listed in the config section. This is handy for international coordination
# of efforts in a channel.
# You launch the bot by executing the perl script on the command line. It will
# automatically daemonize and try to run in the background. (IE: you'll have to
# check your process list to see if it is running.) On most basic connection 
# errors it will dump information into the general log and then exit. Also the
# command line option of '--debug' will dump the log messages to STDERR on the
# executing shell.
# This bot does not currently handle managing channel operator status or any 
# authentication of commands. Though with the event hooks from Net::IRC and
# some additions to the "Interactions" section of on_msg(), it should be an 
# easy task to set up. Enjoy!